Week of Prayer

Week of Prayer

The goal of Hour of Prayer has been to get as many people as possible praying in the church. We have found that the Wednesday evening time slot does not suit everyone in our church family, so we’re trying a couple of different things this year.

This month we encourage small groups to have a special focus on prayer for the week of 16 to 22 September. Please consider putting some extended time aside to come before the Lord as a group to pray for each other, the church, the community and our world. We would recommend beginning with prayer so that it is not an add on at the end of your group’s meeting.

As you pray as a group, know that you are praying alongside all the other small groups in church. Prayer was essential for his remaining faithful to his Father and his obedience to the end. Prayer is the fuel for our Christian lives.

If you don’t attend a small group, we would encourage you to set aside a night that week to pray at home. The prayer guide is available for download here.