When God calls someone to be a Christian, God does not leave them alone. Instead, God calls each believer into a family of believers. We are not meant to live the Christian life alone. Membership then is a formal and practical way of expressing a believer’s commitment and support for the mission of a particular local church. The goal of membership is to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together…but encouraging each other [in our faith].”
By becoming a member of Subi Church, you become a partner in the Gospel to advance the ministry of Jesus here in Perth and also abroad. It represents your commitment this local body of believers and their commitment to you. When you become a member of Subi Church, you commit to a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support to help you in your Christian growth. The leaders of this church also pledge to help our members with spiritual care, counsel, prayer and teaching.
As you think about membership, please contact the church office. We will organise a time for you to meet with a pastor for a casual conversation to get to know you. In these conversations, we ask these five very simple questions to acknowledge your faith, and to confirm your commitment to this particular local church.
We run membership classes throughout the year which go through the distinctives of Subi Church, such as our vision, theological position and statement of faith.
1. Do you acknowledge yourselves to be sinners in the sight of God, justly deserving His displeasure, and without hope except in His sovereign mercy?
This question is about acknowledging your need for a Saviour.
2. Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and Saviour of sinners, and do you receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation as He is offered in the Gospel?
After acknowledging your sinfulness, this question then asks you about your confession of Christ as your Saviour.
3. Do you now resolve and promise, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavour to live as follower of Christ?
Once you have confessed Christ as your Saviour, the question is about your commitment and vow to follow Christ in all that you do.
4. Do you promise to support Subi Church in its worship and work (ministry) to the best of your ability?
As part of your vow to follow Christ, you promise to actively be a part of this body of Christ (Subi Church).
5. Do you submit yourselves to the government and instruction of Subi Church, and promise to strive for its purity and peace?
Lastly, as you commit to this local church, you also vow to seek unity and peace in this local church.
We look forward to having a conversation with you about membership. Please contact the church office.