Pam Finch

Pam Finch

Pam moved from Singapore to Perth in 2005 with her family and has been at Subi Church ever since. She and her husband Matt have two joyful & very energetic young children that keep them very busy! It is a great blessing for her to walk through the ups and downs of parenting with other mums at Subi as they seek to be an example of Christ’s love to their families.

Pam enjoys supporting the many ministries at Subi that spread the good news of the Gospel to everyone who walks through the doors, and throughout the wider community. Her hope is that each person will see the goodness of God through the joy of being connected into the family of Christ.

In her spare time, she often can be found at one of Perth’s many beautiful beaches or working on her newest painting (sometimes both at the same time!)

Hospitality Director & Executive Assistant
Shani Nel
Subi Kids Director
Melanie Tan