The gospels record many of the encounters Jesus had with individuals; his interactions with children were characterised by love, compassion, gentleness and understanding; his interactions with those who were marginalised, rejected, weak and subjected to the most vulnerable circumstances, exemplifies his love and compassion for humanity and His creation.
Jesus modelled how we are to respond in love and service, “Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
We at Subi Church are called to share God’s heart for the vulnerable and nurture an environment where people feel safe, loved, understood and respected.
- Our youth and children are predominantly our largest vulnerable groups at Subi Church;
- People who may not be able to care for themselves or protect themselves from being exploited or harmed due to the nature of their circumstances such as age, disability, identity and mental health challenges, or past trauma; and
- First Nations Descent – Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples
As part of our commitment to the biblical mandate, we want to ensure that Subi Church is a safe environment to our congregation, community and particularly the vulnerable.
There are several things we have place to improve safety:
– screening process for our volunteers
– Safe Ministry Policy
– Safe Ministry Code of Conduct
– Volunteer Working with Children Checks
– Training in Safe Ministry practices.
As such we have partnered with Safe Ministry Check (SMC), an online platform that provides training courses and screening. The SMC management tool helps to facilitate the checking and training of leaders and volunteers at Subi Church and will immediately flag any issues.

- As a parent, be attentive to your children and their needs. Ultimately you are responsible for your child.
- Sign up for the Member Awareness Course to equip yourself and others.
- Raise your concerns regarding inappropriate behaviour by anyone.
- Be aware of signs from a vulnerable person who might be at risk or experiencing abuse in any form.
- Raise your concerns about spaces or circumstances that are not safe which could put people at risk or harm.
- Report your concerns to one of the safe ministry contacts listed below. However, in the case of an emergency, please dial 000.
- If in doubt about a particular situation or encounter, please feel free to chat to one of our safe ministry contacts. They are there to listen and support you as best they can.
If you have a concern about someone, a situation or need to report an incident, please fill in an Incident Report here. This information will be managed by our Safe Ministry Supervisors: Executive Pastor Ray Forlin and Executive Director Amanda Tan.