AGM 2023

AGM 2023

Subi Church’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 26 November at 12.15pm in the auditorium. We extend a warm invitation to all members of the body of Christ to join us and hear from our Elders as they present their report to the church.

Annual Report & AGM Agenda 2023

Please click on the links below for this year’s annual report and agenda, as well as the minutes from last year’s AGM:

We encourage members of the congregation to submit any questions by emailing them to by Saturday 18 November, so that constitutional requirements may be fulfilled. Clause 24.3 of our Constitution states that “A Member requesting to bring any appropriate business matter before a General Meeting must give at least seven (7) days’ notice of that business in writing to the Elders Board who shall after due consideration, decide on the inclusion of the Member’s request for the General Meeting.” One of the ministry team or Elders will then write up a response.

Re-election of Elders
This year, the Board of Elders has put forward Michael Keong and Wayne Luce to be re-elected for another term of two years. Voting for Elders will take place after each service on the weekends of 11 & 12 Nov, 18 & 19 Nov and 25 & 26 Nov. Please note that only registered church members are able to vote. If you are unsure whether you are registered as a member, please check by emailing