Subi Church’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 17 November at 12.15pm in the auditorium. We extend a warm invitation to all members of the body of Christ to join us and hear from our Elders as they present their report to the church.
Please submit any questions to ASAP, so that a considered answer can be constructed. In order to fulfilled constitutional requirements, the submission deadline is Sunday 10 November. Clause 24.3 of our Constitution states that “A Member requesting to bring any appropriate business matter before a General Meeting must give at least seven (7) days’ notice of that business in writing to the Elders Board who shall after due consideration, decide on the inclusion of the Member’s request for the General Meeting.” One of the ministry team or Elders will then write up a response.
Re-election of Elders
This year, the Board of Elders has put forward Rohan du Heaume, Grant Korn, and Ric Leaver to be re-elected for a term of two years. Voting for Elders will take place after each service on the weekends of 2 & 3 Nov, 9 & 10 Nov and 16 & 17 Nov. Please note that only registered church members are able to vote. If you are unsure whether you are registered as a member, please check by emailing

Rohan du Heaume Bio
Rohan joined Subi Church in 2003 and the elder board in 2008, from which he is currently on sabbatical.
Having retired last year, he is now enjoying the time he has to serve God in a greater capacity, as well as spending time with his family.
Rohan is married to Mary and they have three children and five grandchildren.
His vision as an elder is to support the staff in ministering to the congregation and taking the gospel into the wider community.
Grant Korn Bio
Grant is married to Catherine and they have three adult children. He was a high school teacher and head of the humanities department. He also completed a Master of Arts in Biblical Counselling and worked as a school counsellor for two years. He was a board member of the Baptist Schools Association in WA, establishing a network of new schools in the 1990s and early 2000s. He then moved into the business world in 2006 and has owned and operated businesses in food manufacturing and property maintenance. Since 2018 Grant has volunteered at Wandana providing monthly community meals and ongoing friendship to the residents. Having now sold his businesses, he has more time to be involved in church ministries. This year Grant has assisted with young adults and men’s ministries, and has stepped into a role as elder for the first time.
Ric Leaver Bio
Ric and his wife, Gail, have been attending Subi Church for 24 years. He calls it a joy to be part of the Subi fellowship and to be taught from the Word and to share time with brothers and sisters in Christ. It has always been apparent to Ric and Gail that God is the foundation at Subi and also that He takes an active part in the Subi Church journey. Gail and Ric currently serve by providing catering services to Church and Mission events, and they also serve on the Communion and Prayer Teams. Gail also serves in the office weekly. Ric has for a short time held the position of Treasurer at Subi Church. Ric has held a long term Senior Executive (CEO) position and Non-Executive Director positions in the not for profit Health Sector and the Education Sector and Overseas Mission Groups. His goal is to contribute as best as he is able to advance the Mission of Subi Church.